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Cannot fetch from or insert data to mongodb using mongoose

I wrote a node web app and created a mongoDb database on my local system. I was using the following code to connect to local mongodb from node js

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/db_name'); //local

And everything was working fine on my local machine. So I went on and created an mlab account and created a database. But when I tried to run the code by changing the connection string, connections are still established I believe. But the find and save requests are not invoking the callbacks, even no errors shows up. All requests are getting timed out.

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect("mongodb://user:pass@ds036789.mlab.com:36789/db_name"); //mlab

Another thing I noticed is that I cannot ping ds036789.mlab.com. But TCP connections are succeeding when I tried the nc command

nc -w 3 -v ds036789.mlab.com 36789

I even tried deploying to azure. Which doesn't work either. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

EDIT: Not being able to ping was due to the fact that I used azure hosting. It is expected. And I also found out that I get this error while trying to connect :

connection error: { [MongoError: auth failed] name: 'MongoError', ok: 0, errmsg: 'auth failed', code: 18 }

Credentials are correct though.

From the error mesasge it seems like you are using invalid auth details

This is most likely happen when you do not create username and password for individual database ie, db_name in you case.

Check mLabs account and create username and password for db_name database and update your connection string.

According to the error information, as @Astro said, it seems to be caused by using invalid auth user/password which be created for database.

Did you create a new user for connecting the database, not account user for mlab? Such as the figures below shown.

Fig 1. A database user is required for connecting 在此处输入图片说明

Fig 2. Users list for the database 在此处输入图片说明

Hope it helps.

I figured out the issue, it wasn't an issue with the credentials. It was an issue with the mongoose version. The mongoose version I used didn't support the authentication. I had to remove the package and reinstall the latest version. with

node install mongoose@latest

Hope it helps someone. And thanks for the answers :)

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