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Combining color and shape in an R plotly chart

Is this possible. I want to do something like


df <- data.frame(a=c(1,2,3,4,5,6),b=c(3,5,2,6,8,1),c=c("p","p","q","r","r","r"),
             d=c("v","v","w","v","v","v"), stringsAsFactors= F)

df %>% 
plot_ly(x=a,y=b,mode="markers",type="scatter", color=c, 
      marker = list(          

But the different symbol I want on third data point is not appearing


Also is it possible to set the symbols to be other than default


Just copying my comment here:

If you want to stick with plotly , you can use:

df %>% plot_ly(x=a,y=b,mode="markers", symbol=d, color=c)

You can also define your symbols with:

symbols = c("cross", "square", "triangle-down")

EDIT: You could create an interaction and then use this new factor as a symbol. You will have only one legend (I don't think having two legends is possible with native plotly ).

df$Int <- interaction(df$c, df$d)
df %>% plot_ly(x=a,y=b,mode="markers", symbol=Int)

But you could also use ggplot2 using:

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=a, y=b, shape=d, color=c)) + geom_point()

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