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Binding ng-show into custom directive

In a <table> header where labels can be clicked to order data in some specific way, I'm trying to replace this code :

  <a class="sortable-th" href="#" data-ng-click="sortType = 'atSenderScheduledDate'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">
    <span data-ng-show="sortType == 'atSenderScheduledDate' && !sortReverse" class="md-chevron-down"></span>
    <span data-ng-show="sortType == 'atSenderScheduledDate' && sortReverse" class="md-chevron-up"></span>

(where only one <span> is displayed to show the sorting order) with a custom directive such as :

  <th-sortable type="atSenderScheduledDate" label="Date"></th-sortable>

The Controller holds the sorting variables :

$scope.sortType = 'atSenderScheduledDate'; // set the default sort type
$scope.sortReverse = false;  // set the default sort order

And the directive is as follows :

(function() {

  angular.module('app').directive('thSortable', thSortable);

  thSortable.$inject = ['$parse'];

  function thSortable($parse) {
    return {
      restrict : 'E',
      scope : {
      link : function(scope, elem, attrs) {
        var type = attrs.type;
        var label = attrs.label;

        var newElem = '';
        newElem += '<a class="sortable-th" href="#">';
        newElem += '  ' + label;
        newElem += '  <span class="md-chevron-up" data-ng-show="sortType === \'' + type + '\' && !sortReverse"></span>';
        newElem += '  <span class="md-chevron-down" data-ng-show="sortType === \'' + type + '\' && sortReverse"></span>';
        newElem += '</a>';

        elem.bind('click', function() {
          scope.$apply(function() {
            $parse("sortType").assign(scope.$parent, type);
            $parse("sortReverse").assign(scope.$parent, !scope.$parent.sortReverse);

The click binding is working as expected and the data is accurately being ordered. However, I can't manage to get the data-ng-show part of the two <span> 's working, in order to only display the relevant one.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

elem.bind('click', function() {
   scope.$apply(function() {
     $parse("sortType").assign(scope.$parent, type);
     $parse("sortReverse").assign(scope.$parent, !scope.$parent.sortReverse);

You are using $parse("sortType") and $parse("sortReverse") , not sure how would it update your parent scope properties . Since your directive is an isolate scope, why don't you pull them in your scope like below and use it.

 scope : {
     sortType: "=",
     sortReverse: "="

Then in your link function you can use scope.sortType and scope.sortReverse and also its much better to send object to ng-model as boolean values would create a whole new scope inside your directive.

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