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How to determine when the gulp task running browserify is complete?

I have such a gulp task

gulp.task("js-min", function () {
    .pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))

that create the minified version of the application. It runs periodically by the gulp-watch task. The problem I see, is that gulp tells me this task finishes in 30ms, but if I check the file being generated, it takes another 30s to see the actual new file being updated.

How shall I change the gulp task js-min so I know exactly when the file was finished updating in file system.

There are two solutions, and without knowing what browserify package you are using.

If it is promise based, then simply edit your code to return that promise:

gulp.task("js-min", function () {
   return  browserify(config.paths.mainJs)

If it is not promise-based, then it will have some kind of an onend or done method that takes a callback. In that case, it would be like this:

gulp.task("js-min", function (done) {
    .pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))

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