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ng-option or ng-repeat cannot updated after change array

i used ng-option or ng-repeat and change value of array but not bind new values

<select multiple="true" ng-model="staticField.text">
    <option ng-repeat="t in Activitydata track by $index ">{{t}}</option>

and i change it to ng-option and does work

that's angular js code

$scope.Activitydata = [];
$scope.ActivityFound = function (from) {
    for (var h = 0; h < allRequestDetails.procurationCustomers.length; h++) {
        activitynote = allRequestDetails.procurationCustomers[h].notes;
        actList = activitynote.split('|');
        for (i = 0; i < actList.length; i++) {
            console.log('element : ' + actList[i]);

If you are using ng-repeat the you should provide what value to bind as..

<select multiple="true" ng-model="staticField.text">
<option ng-repeat="t in Activitydata track by $index" value={{t}}>{{t}}</option>

So in this case the value of t gets bind to the ng-model..If you are using ng-options then you should use as..

<select multiple="true" ng-model="staticField.text" ng-options="t.code as t.name for t in Activitydata track by $index ">
<option value="">Select</option>

I am assuming here that ActivityData contains name and code as property....

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