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Rails routes: redirect an entire resource

I know about redirecting a specific route:

put 'users/:user_id', to: redirect('/api/v1/users/:user_id')

How would I apply the redirect to all routes generated by resources ? Looking for something like

resources :users, to: redirect('/api/v1')

I can achieve a workaround using match, but it's a bit clunky:

match 'users/*path', to: redirect('/api/v1/users/%{path}'), via: [:GET, :POST, :PUT, :DELETE]

I recently renamed a provider_apps resource to apps using the following code, which retains the query params, unlike the solution proposed in the question:

# routes.rb
get 'provider_apps/:slug', status: :moved_permanently, to: redirect { |path_params, request|
    query_string = URI(request.url).query
    "/apps/#{ path_params[:slug] }#{ "?#{ query_string }" if query_string }"

This was inspired by the block example in Rails routing docs . You also have request.query_parameters available to get a hash of the query params if that's relevant to the destination route.

Maybe try something like this:

namespace :api, defaults: { format: :json } do
  namespace :v1 do
    resources :users

That'll give you

      api_v1_users GET       /api/v1/users(.:format)                      api/v1/users#index {:format=>:json}
                   POST      /api/v1/users(.:format)                      api/v1/users#create {:format=>:json}
   new_api_v1_user GET       /api/v1/users/new(.:format)                  api/v1/users#new {:format=>:json}
  edit_api_v1_user GET       /api/v1/users/:id/edit(.:format)             api/v1/users#edit {:format=>:json}
       api_v1_user GET       /api/v1/users/:id(.:format)                  api/v1/users#show {:format=>:json}
                   PATCH     /api/v1/users/:id(.:format)                  api/v1/users#update {:format=>:json}
                   PUT       /api/v1/users/:id(.:format)                  api/v1/users#update {:format=>:json}
                   DELETE    /api/v1/users/:id(.:format)                  api/v1/users#destroy {:format=>:json}


namespace :api, path: nil, defaults: { format: :json } do
  namespace :v1, path: nil do
    resources :users

That'll give you

           api_v1_users GET       /users(.:format)                             api/v1/users#index {:format=>:json}
                        POST      /users(.:format)                             api/v1/users#create {:format=>:json}
        new_api_v1_user GET       /users/new(.:format)                         api/v1/users#new {:format=>:json}
       edit_api_v1_user GET       /users/:id/edit(.:format)                    api/v1/users#edit {:format=>:json}
            api_v1_user GET       /users/:id(.:format)                         api/v1/users#show {:format=>:json}
                        PATCH     /users/:id(.:format)                         api/v1/users#update {:format=>:json}
                        PUT       /users/:id(.:format)                         api/v1/users#update {:format=>:json}
                        DELETE    /users/:id(.:format)                         api/v1/users#destroy {:format=>:json}

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