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Laravel exception handler for queue worker

I am having a weird issue while throwing the exception inside my beanstalkd job class. When I throw a simple exception ( throw new \\Exception(); ) outside the job class, it calls the report() method in App\\Exceptions\\Handler and I can do my tweaks there. But when I throw the exception inside the job class, it does not call the report() method. All the queue implementation is based on laravel documentation( https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/queues ) and works great. What can be the reason for this? Any help would be highly appreciated.

Well, it had to be different for queues. If a job fails (throws an exception), you don't want to give the control to the Exception handler – you want to catch the error and mark the job as failed.

Look inside Worker.php (line 294+):

protected function raiseExceptionOccurredJobEvent($connection, Job $job, $exception)
    if ($this->events) {
        $data = json_decode($job->getRawBody(), true);

        $this->events->fire(new Events\JobExceptionOccurred($connection, $job, $data, $exception));

See process() on lines 201-223 as well.

Laravel will catch the exception but will fire an Event to let you know there has been a problem. If you need to hook into it – just listen for this event.

With laravel 5.1 I had the same problem when I was using QUEUE_DRIVER=sync when I changed it to QUEUE_DRIVER=redis and exception handler started to do it's job, I mean stardted to call the report() method.

Be sure you use run start artisan queue:work redis with --daemon

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