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How get element width by javascript

what's the JavaScript code for the find the 's width?

(I want get width .FixedBox whit javascript no jquery, but my code don't work.)

 <div class="FixedBox"> The HTMLElement.offsetWidth read-only property returns the layout width of an element. Typically, an element's offsetWidth is a measurement which includes the element borders, the element horizontal padding, the element vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered) and the element CSS width. </div> 

The Document.getElementsByClassName() returns NodeList you need to get element from collection to get offsetWidth property. Also put them inside window load callback to execute only after elements are loaded.

 window.onload = function() { var ele = document.getElementsByClassName('FixedBox'); alert(ele.length ? ele[0].offsetWidth : 'no elements with the class'); } 
 <div class="FixedBox"> The HTMLElement.offsetWidth read-only property returns the layout width of an element. Typically, an element's offsetWidth is a measurement which includes the element borders, the element horizontal padding, the element vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered) and the element CSS width. </div> 

This might work

$('.FixedBox').load(function () {

 <div class="FixedBox"> The HTMLElement.offsetWidth read-only property returns the layout width of an element. Typically, an element's offsetWidth is a measurement which includes the element borders, the element horizontal padding, the element vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered) and the element CSS width. </div> 



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