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Enzyme's shallow().text() with React Native doesn't work as I expected

I'm trying to get some basic understanding around React Native tests w/ enzyme and react-native-mock .

Not included below: A custom compiler for mocha to get the babel goodness.

My code is as follows:

Block.jsx :

import React from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';

export default ({title, ui}) => (
    Title: {title}


import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import {Block} from '../';
import React from 'react';

describe('<Block /> with props: title', () => {

  it('should have correct props', () => {
      shallow(<Block title="Something" />).props()
    ).to.deep.equal( {title:"Something"} );

  it('should have correct title', () => {
      shallow(<Block title="Something" />).text()
    ).to.equal( "Something" );


Test results

Mocha command:

mocha --compilers js:./test/support/compiler.js --require react-native-mock/mock --recursive **/test/*.test.js --watch

Mocha test results:

  <Block /> with props: title
    1) should have correct props
    2) should have correct title

  2 failing

  1) <Block /> with props: title should have correct props <Text />:

      AssertionError: expected { Object (children) } to equal { title: 'Something' }
      + expected - actual

      -  "children": [
      -    "Title: "
      -    "Something"
      -  ]
      +  "title": "Something"

      at Context.<anonymous> (components/test/Block.test.js:24:120)

  2) <Block /> with props: title should have correct title <Text />:

      AssertionError: expected '<View />' to equal 'Something'
      + expected - actual

      -<View />

      at Context.<anonymous> (components/test/Block.test.js:28:119)

Unexpected behavior

  1. props() seems to get the correct values, but in a different format than described by the api
  2. text() doesnt render the nodes textContent , but instead, the stringified tag " <View /> "

Alternative: props().children

Given the component:

import React from 'react';
import {View, Text} from 'react-native';

export default ({title, ui}) => (
    <Text> The title...</Text>

props().children is the array [<Text component instance>, "Something"]

So the follow test passes:

  it('should have correct props', () => {
      shallow(<Block title="Something" />).props().children
    ).to.contain( "Something" );


Why is Enzyme API behaving differently that described in the docs?

Specifically looking at the docs shallow(<Block title="Something" />).text() should equal something like: The title...Something

Am I doing something incorrect, or is it one the technologies I'm using?

EDIT 1: Other problems

html() , render() , update() also don't seem to work with my setup

EDIT: React native only works with shallow at the moment

Solution 1: A solution for textContent

From an Enzyme example app:

const title = "Blah";
const wrapper = shallow(<Block title={title} />);

Solution 2: More semantic

Ok the more semantic version of Alternative: props().children above is below. This Github discussion also helped.

Block.js :

import React from 'react';
import {View, Text} from 'react-native';

export default ({title, ui}) => (
    <Text data={title}>{title}</Text>

Block.test.js :

  it('should have correct props', () => {
    const title = title;
      shallow(<Block title={title} />)
         .find('Text') // Use selector to get certain children
         .first() // Get the first child
         .props() // Get its props
  1. You can reference the specific prop you would like to test:

    expect( shallow(<Block title="Something" />).prop('title') ).to.equal( "Something" );

  2. text() is not doing what you are thinking here. Have a look at the second example in the docs, shallow won't render out your <View> tag

Another solution (very similar to props().children ) is to access children in prop

  it('should have correct props', () => {
      shallow(<Block title="Something" />).prop('children')
    ).toBe( "Something" );

你可以使用expect(wrapper.find(Foo).render().text()).to.equal('Hello World')技巧

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