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How to synchronously call a set of functions in javascript

I am working on a javascript project that needs to get some data and process it, but I am having trouble with the asynchronous nature of JavaScript. What I want to be able to do is something like the following.

//The set of functions that I want to call in order
function getData() {
    //gets the data

function parseData() {
    //does some stuff with the data

function validate() {
    //validates the data

//The function that orchestrates these calls 
function runner() {

Here I want each function to wait for completion before going on to the next call, as I am running into the situation where the program attempts to validate the data before it has been retrieved. However, I also want to be able to return a value from these functions for testing, so I can't have these functions return a boolean value to check completion. How can I make javascript wait on the function to run to completion before moving on to the next call?

Use promises:

 //The set of functions that I want to call in order function getData(initialData) { //gets the data return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve('Hello World!') }) } function parseData(dataFromGetDataFunction) { //does some stuff with the data return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve('Hello World!') }) } function validate(dataFromParseDataFunction) { //validates the data return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve('Hello World!') }) } //The function that orchestrates these calls function runner(initialData) { return getData(initialData) .then(parseData) .then(validate) } runner('Hello World!').then(function (dataFromValidateFunction) { console.log(dataFromValidateFunction); }) 

Not only are they easy to grasp, it makes total sense from a code readability stand point. Read more about them here . If you are in a browser environment, I recommend this polyfill.

The code you've quoted will run synchronously. JavaScript function calls are synchronous.

So I'm going to assume that getData , parseData , and/or validate involve asynchronous operations (such as using ajax in a browser, or readFile in NodeJS). If so, you basically have two options, both of which involve callbacks .

The first is to just have those functions accept callbacks they'll call when done, for instance:

function getData(callback) {
    someAsyncOperation(function() {
        // Async is done now, call the callback with the data
        callback(/*...some data...*/);

you'd use that like this:

getData(function(data) {
    // Got the data, do the next thing

The problem with callbacks is that they're hard to compose and have fairly brittle semantics. So promises were invented to give them better semantics. In ES2015 (aka "ES6") or with a decent promises library, that would look something like this:

function getData(callback) {
    return someAsyncOperation();

or if someAsyncOperation is not promise-enabled, then:

function getData(callback) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        someAsyncOperation(function() {
            // Async is done now, call the callback with the data
            resolve(/*...some data...*/);
            // Or if it failed, call `reject` instead

Doesn't seem to do much for you, but one of the key things is composability ; your final function ends up looking like this:

function runner() {
    return getData()
        .then(parseData) // Yes, there really aren't () on parseData...
        .then(validate); // ...or validate


    .then(function(result) {
         // It worked, use the result
    .catch(function(error) {
         // It failed

Here's an example; it will only work on a fairly recent browser that supports Promise and ES2015 arrow functions, because I was lazy and wrote it with arrow functions and didn't include a Promise lib:

 "use strict"; function getData() { // Return a promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { // Let's fail a third of the time if (Math.random() < 0.33) { reject("getData failed"); } else { resolve('{"msg":"This is the message"}'); } }, Math.random() * 100); }); } function parseData(data) { // Note that this function is synchronous return JSON.parse(data); } function validate(data) { // Let's assume validation is synchronous too // Let's also assume it fails half the time if (!data || !data.msg || Math.random() < 0.5) { throw new Error("validation failed"); } // It's fine return data; } function runner() { return getData() .then(parseData) .then(validate); } document.getElementById("the-button").addEventListener( "click", function() { runner() .then(data => { console.log("All good! msg: " + data.msg); }) .catch(error => { console.error("Failed: ", error && error.message || error); }); }, false ); 
 <input type="button" id="the-button" value="Click to test"> (you can test more than once) 

You should change each function to return a Promise , which will allow your final function to become:

function runner() {
    return Promise.try(getData).then(parseData).then(validate);

To do that, the body of each function should be wrapped in a new promise, like:

function getData() {
  return new Promise(function (res, rej) {
    var req = new AjaxRequest(...); // make the request
    req.onSuccess = function (data) {

This is a very cursory example of how promises might work. For more reading, check out:

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