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dynamic params for ember component

I'm working on an Ember project in which I have to specify the parameters of the component dynamically.

I have the following array in the .js controller:

componentParams: ["id", "name"]

What I want to do is to take the values in the array and use them in handlebars as the component parameter like this

{{component-name id=somevalue name="somevalue"}}

Could this be done?

An approach I use.


navbarParams: {
   titleToShow: 'General.ResearchProjects',
   glyphicon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-globe',
   infoText: 'information/project'


{{my-navbar params=navbarParams}}


<h1> {{params.titleToShow}} <span class={{params.glyphicon}}> </span> </h1>

If your parameters are queryParams

They should be defined like that

queryParams: ['foo', 'bar',],
foo: null,
bar: null

{{my-navbar first=foo second=bar}}

Honestly it depends, if you are stuck with that array - you can use computed properties to extract the proper array values. ( This is probably not recommended - a better approach would be to format your componentParams into an object ( like @kristjan's example).

If you are stuck with the array - and the positions will never change ( id will always be componentParams[0] & name will always be componentParams[1] , you could try something like this ::

// controller
import Ember from 'ember';

const {
} = Ember;

export default Controller.extend({
  componentParams: ['id', 'name'],
    componentName: computed('componentParams', {
    get() {
        return get(this, 'componentParams')[1];
  componentId: computed('componentParams', {
    get() {
        return get(this, 'componentParams')[0]; 

// template
{{my-component name=componentName id=componentId}}

// component/template
name:: {{name}}
id :: {{id}}

check out this twiddle for a working example

Does this help ??

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