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Creating a IIS Url Rewrite/Redirect

Im struggling to get a url rewrite/redirect to work in IIS. I've installed the url rewrite module and all the rules fail to do anything. Here is the scenario, we want all web requests which generate a report to be pushed off to a secondary server so it doesn't harm the main box. The web requests that generate reports look something like this:


So im wanting to do some type of regex check on finding any web requests that have "GenerateReport" in it and redirect it to something like:


Any ideas on how the redirect/rewrite would go for this?

You need to check if REQUEST_URI contains Actionname=GenerateReport .
If so, you'll redirect it to other webserver url equivalent .

Translated to an IIS rewrite rule, it would look like this

<rule name="Delegate report generation" stopProcessing="true">
   <match url="^(.*)$" />
      <add input="{REQUEST_URI}" pattern="Actionname=GenerateReport" />
   <action type="Redirect" url="http://mywebaddressofsecondserver/{R:1}" />

Thanks, Justin Iurman,

Your answer solved my issue of getting methods

http://mywebaddress/api/Param/Action1 http://localserverwithport/api/Param/Action1

but for below Post methods it's still giving 404 not found

http://mywebaddress/api/Param/PostAction2 http://localserverwithport/api/Param/PostAction2

Post parameters are: {"Param1":"James","Param2":"jani"}

My implementation is

               <rule name="Rewrite Rule1" >
                    <match url="^(.*)" />                    
                    <action type="Redirect" url="http://localserverwithport/{R:1}" />

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