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jquery window scroll event not working right with overflow-x hidden

i was using this code for adding some animation to the nav bar

    $(window).on("scroll", function () {
    if ($(this).scrollTop() > 20) {
        $('.top-menu .navbar').removeClass('remove-nav-move');
        $('.top-menu .navbar').addClass('nav-move');
    } else {
        $('.top-menu .navbar').removeClass('nav-move');
        $('.top-menu .navbar').addClass('remove-nav-move');

then i added some css

html , body  {
    overflow-x: hidden;

.full-width-bar {
    margin: 0 -9999rem;
    /* add back negative margin value */
    padding: 0.25rem 9999rem;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

and the overflow-x: hidden; on the body ruin the window scroll so please any help to fix this or any alternative way to do this and many thanks in advance

i didn't find any solution for this so i remove the overflow-x but before that i tried and the best thing i come with is

  var up_wind = 0;

$(window).bind("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll wheel", function (event, delta) {
    if (delta>= 0 && delta != "undefined") {
        if(up_wind != 0){
            console.log('Scroll up');
    else if(delta != "undefined") {
     if(up_wind >= 0)

         console.log('Scroll down');

    if(up_wind > 1){
        $('.top-menu .navbar').removeClass('remove-nav-move');
        $('.top-menu .navbar').addClass('nav-move');
    } else {
        $('.top-menu .navbar').removeClass('nav-move');
        $('.top-menu .navbar').addClass('remove-nav-move');

hope will help.

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