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OpenUI5 NavContainer inside a Page

I'm try to put a NavContainer inside a Page.

But if i try I only get the header of the page and a scrollbar on the left side and nothing else.

My View is in XML and controller for sure in JavaScript.

I already used the Navcontainer in other XMLs but there it work just fine. If i delete the NavContainer under Page content it works fine and i the the other xmlviews.

So my Question is: Is it possible to put a NavContainer under a Page content?

Or what else can i use? Another "Navigationelement". I tried it already with the Carousel but thats not what i want to do.

Hope you can help me.

My View looks like

    <Page showHeader="true" id="startView">
            <Bar class="StartseiteCompleteBand">
                    <Text text="{i18n>Homepage.Titel}" class="StartseiteBarTextMiddle"/>

                    <Button icon="sap-icon://person-placeholder" class="" text="{i18n>Homepage.Username}"
      <NavContainer id="navContainer" width="99%">
       <mvc:XMLView viewName="root.spc_management_modern.view.SkeletalStructureGUI"/>
            <lay:Grid defaultSpan="L6 M6 S12" class="GridOnHomepage">

                <lay:Grid id="GridOnHomepage" defaultSpan="L12 M12 S12">
                    <mvc:XMLView viewName="root.spc_management_modern.view.LeftsideHomepage"/>

                <lay:Grid defaultSpan="L12 M12 S12">
                    <mvc:XMLView viewName="root.spc_management_modern.view.RightsideHomepage"/>

I tried it for like more then 3 days and now... i found the solution. I have to put a page after the navcontainer. Didn't expect it. Like:

  <NavContainer width="99%">
            <Page showHeader="false">
                            text="To next view"
                            <FlexItemData growFactor="1"/>
                    <!--<mvc:XMLView viewName="root.spc_management_modern.view.SkeletalStructureGUI"/>-->
                    <lay:Grid defaultSpan="L6 M6 S12" class="GridOnHomepage">
                        <!--Lädt die linke Seite der Homepage-->
                        <lay:Grid id="GridOnHomepage" defaultSpan="L12 M12 S12">
                            <mvc:XMLView viewName="root.spc_management_modern.view.LeftsideHomepage"/>

                        <!--Lädt die rechte Seite der Homepage&ndash;&gt;-->
                        <lay:Grid defaultSpan="L12 M12 S12">
                            <mvc:XMLView viewName="root.spc_management_modern.view.RightsideHomepage"/>

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