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redirect to not current page

I have a trobble with redirect in rails 4. I need to redirect to a page specified in a specific situation. Back redirect does not work , because the page I need to redirect is not the previous page, and I just need to redirect to this page when the user clicks on a link. The code: View where user click:

<li >
  <%= link_to new_admin_wine_path do %>
      Cadastrar um novo vinho
  <% end %>

Page to where I need redirect when I click in that link: new_admin_wine_path


def store_location
    return unless request.get?
    if (request.path != new_user_session_path &&
        request.path != new_user_registration_path &&
        request.path != new_user_password_path &&
        request.path != edit_user_password_path &&
        request.path != "/:locale/users/confirmation(" &&
        request.path != destroy_user_session_path &&
        !request.xhr?) # don't store ajax calls
      session[:previous_url] = request.fullpath
  def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
    session[:previous_url] || root_path    

You should look into filters . Basically, you're going to want to structure your controller:

class someController < ActionController::Base
    after_filter :redirect_method, only: [:whatever, :actions, :you, :want]
    def store_location
        return unless request.get?
        if (request.path != new_user_session_path &&
            request.path != new_user_registration_path &&
            request.path != new_user_password_path &&
            request.path != edit_user_password_path &&
            request.path != "/:locale/users/confirmation(" &&
            request.path != destroy_user_session_path &&
            !request.xhr?) # don't store ajax calls
          session[:previous_url] = request.fullpath
      def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
        session[:previous_url] || root_path    
     def redirect_method
        redirect_to root_path (or whevever you want to send them) 

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