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Trying to use edeliver to release a package but getting deps/exrm/mix.exs: No such file or directory

I'm trying to use edeliver to try to deploy my package to my server,

Everything almost goes fine, then I get this error

-----> Authorizing hosts
-----> Ensuring hosts are ready to accept git pushes
-----> Pushing new commits with git to: xxx@xxx
-----> Resetting remote hosts to ac1bb1a41f8e7c03b7f4bcbf44fa3b0ab866fcfd
-----> Cleaning generated files from last build
-----> Fetching / Updating dependencies
-----> Compiling sources
-----> Detecting exrm version
cat: deps/exrm/mix.exs: No such file or directory

Failed to detect exrm version.

in the console or the config file.

Detected '' as major,
         '' as minor
     and '' as patch version.

I've ran cat deps/exrm/mix.exs and It definitely does exist. Any information on how to fix this would be great thanks

I think the issue is that you haven't included it in the applications in your local mix.exs. Make sure you have something like this:

  def project do
    [app: :xxxxxxx,
     version: "0.0.2",
     elixir: "~> 1.0",
     elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env),
     compilers: [:phoenix, :gettext] ++ Mix.compilers,
     build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
     start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
     aliases: aliases,
     deps: deps]

  # Configuration for the OTP application.
  # Type `mix help compile.app` for more information.
  def application do
    [mod: {Codepaths, []},
     applications: [:phoenix, :cowboy, :logger, :gettext,
                    :phoenix_ecto, :postgrex, :edeliver, :ja_serializer, :con_cache]]

This could solve the issue.


defp deps do [{:exrm, "~> xxx"}] end

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