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Change background color of facebook login button for ios

I am using facebook sdk for facebook login but I am unable to customize facebook button. Is there any way I can subclass my button as FBSDKLoginButton and change the background color as my need.Thank you.

I will simplify this:

1- make the facebook button but dont show it (don't addsubView the facebook page)

2- make a UIButton of your own, customize it the way you want and display it instead iof the faecbook button

3- onClick of your button fake the touch of the hidden facebook button [facebookbutton sendActionsForControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

Happy coding!

You can make your own UIButton and connect with login function.

Try to check the link below, FBSDK docs.


In Swift

  1. Make your own design UIButton.

  2. Create button action on your viewcontroller class.

  3. Add the following line inside button action,

    loginButtonFacebook.sendActions(for: .touchUpInside)

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