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Page is loading twice when using angular ui-router and “resolve”

I'm using Angular 1.5.5, Angular-ui-router 0.2.18, angular-meteor-promiser 1.1.0 and meteor 1.3.3

In my application I use the following route definition: (There are many other states) :

 function routerConfig($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) { $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); $stateProvider .state('auditionExtExec', { url: '/AuditionExtExecute/:id', templateUrl: 'client/auditions/auditionExtExec.html', resolve: { auditionsubs: function($promiser) { "use strict"; console.log('in resolve'); return $promiser.subscribe('auditions'); }, }, controller: 'AuditionExtExecCtrl', controllerAs: 'vm' }) 

The controller is :

 angular .module('brgo') .controller('AuditionExtExecCtrl', function($state, $stateParams, $scope, $reactive, $promiser, auditionsubs) { var vm = this; $reactive(vm).attach($scope); vm.auditionId = $stateParams.id; vm.subscribe('auditions'); vm.start = false; vm.auditionResults = {}; var currentDate = new Date(); vm.autorun(() => { vm.audition = Auditions.findOne({ _id: vm.auditionId }); }); vm.addNewExecution = function() { vm.auditionResults.auditions = angular.copy(vm.audition.auditions); AuditionExecs.insert(vm.auditionResults); }; vm.startaudition = function() { vm.start = true; }; }); 

The purpose of this page is to display the contact of the record from audition MongoDb table and write results to AuditionExec MongoDb table

When the application run, everything looks OK. However, when I'm in the auditionExtExec state and I copy the URL to a new window, the view in the new window is presented twice. When I remove the $promiser from the resolve, it looks like it works fine


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