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How to use Apache as a reverse-proxy for WebSockets with Undertow as the server

I have WebSockets enabled using an Undertow server. When I run the Undertow server directly, WebSockets work well. I serve my pages using HTTPS and I test the endpoint using " wss: " in javascript: it works.

But now, I try to use Apache as a reverse proxy and I want it to let WebSocket connections reach the Undertow server. This is my current Virtual Host:

<VirtualHost *:80 *:443>
    ServerName test.example.org

    SSLEngine on 
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.org/cert.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.org/privkey.pem
    SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.org/chain.pem

    ProxyPass / http://test.example.org:44444/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://test.example.org:44444/


Here, Undertow is started as a HTTP server (not HTTPS) on port 44444 and the SSL security is done by Apache.

All the HTML pages work well, but when I try to start a WebSocket connection, I get this error (Chrome) :

WebSocket connection to 'wss://test.example.org/websockets/echo' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: 'Upgrade' header is missing

And, when I look at the Network tab, I see that indeed two headers are missing in the response from the server, when the "wss://" call is made: " Connection: Upgrade " and " Upgrade: WebSocket ". Those headers are present when I connect to Undertow directly, without Apache.

The " Sec-WebSocket-Accept " and " Sec-WebSocket-Location " headers are there but, and I guess this is a second issue, " Sec-WebSocket-Location " is 'ws://test.example.org/websockets/echo' not ' wss ://test.example.org/websockets/echo' since Undertow runs on HTTP, not HTTPS.

Last thing, the mod_proxy_wstunnel documentation says " The connection is automatically upgraded to a websocket connection ". What does this mean? Apache is upgrading the HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection by itself? This is not what I want! I want to handle the initial HTTP request and the upgrading processes by myself , using Undertow. I use informations from the initial HTTP connection to validate if the user can be connected to the requested endpoint and, if so, I programmatically call Undertow's WebSocketProtocolHandshakeHandler#handleRequest(exchange) to upgrade to a WebSocket connection. I just want Apache to let everything pass without interfering.

Any help on how to run WebSockets using Undertow behind an Apache reverse-proxy?

I got tired and decided to try Nginx .

Within 3 hours , not only did I get WebSockets working , but all my sites on a server were moved to it. Super easy.

The magical lines for WebSockets, in nginx.conf , are:

proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

I understand that "Upgrade" is a special "hop-by-hop" header which has to be explicitly configured to be kept.

I hope there is a similar solution for Apache, but man, there is so few documentation about this!

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