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Securing arduino to mosquitto connection with TLS

I'm trying to secure the connection between the arduino pubsub client and mosquitto broker (which is running on a public server) over TLS.

Normally(on windows etc), I can publish/subscribe like bellow while giving the certificate files. (certificate and key files are in my working directory).

mosquitto_pub -h myhost.com -p 8883 -t "/test" -m "your secure message" --cafile ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key

mosquitto_sub -h myhost.com -p 8883 -t "/test" --cafile ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key

But is there a way to do this in arduino?

Your pubsub MQTT client doesn't support SSL/TLS out of the box. You can try integrating with some light weight SSL/TLS libraries.

Few Embedded SSL Libraries:

Or you can opt for Paho MQTT Client - a prebuilt Arduino port of MQTTClient. It supports MQTT V3.1.1, SSL/TLS, QOS-2 Support etc., which are not available in pubsub client.

Don't think there's encryption availabe for normal arduino boards, at least not what I've seen. There are a few workarounds though, either you use another broker without encryption on one side (connected to the arduino) and then encryption on the other end (connected to the public broker).

The other option is to use a board that runs on linux and then call mosquitto commands from arduino code. Here's an example for the intel edison board: https://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2015/04/06/using-edison-securely-connect-iot-sensor-to-the-internet-with-mqtt

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