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laravel 5.2: php artisan vendor:publish not running

Hello anybody around to help me with this issue; I am running laravel 5.2 and everything works fine how ever after successfully updating my composer with composer require pragmarx/tracker and composer require "geoip2/geoip2":"~2.0" .

Publishing this two packages is really giving me a nightmare when I run php artisan vendor:publish I get the following error

[Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalThrowableError] Class 'PragmaRX\\Tracker\\Vendor\\Laravel\\ServiceProvider' not found

This is what I added in my service providers in the /config/app.php PragmaRX\\Tracker\\Vendor\\Laravel\\ServiceProvider::class ,

And this is what I added to the aliases section in the same document 'Tracker' => PragmaRX\\Tracker\\Vendor\\Laravel\\Facade::class ,

Somebody please help.

run php artisan config:cache then run

php artisan vendor:publish

Check if you find your new repo in the list of available providers

In this case, the problem is most likely with the package NameSpace issue . However running composer dump-autoload -o might just work.

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