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Git branch have diverged

I made a tracking-branch on dev-26 branch (see below), using SourceTree, from my organization's Bitbucket account. Here's how roughly my local and remote repositories look like:

$ git branch
* dev-26

$ git branch -r

I committed changes on Friday 6/17 on my local dev-26 branch. Since then, I've done git pull several times to fetch and merge changes from origin/dev-26 onto my local dev-26 branch. However, I've never pushed my changes.

For some reason, when I do git status , I get the following message:

On branch dev-26
Your branch and 'origin/dev-26' have diverged,
and have 1053 and 295 different commits each, respectively.
  (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Subsequently, when I do git pull , I get a lot of conflict error messages. At this point, I'm lost and just want to discard whatever changes I made on Friday 6/17 and pull whatever is currently on origin/dev-26

So, I did git reset --hard on the last commit on Thursday 6/16 and hoping when I do git pull , it will sync up my local dev-26 branch with origin/dev26 branch. However, I kept getting the same message (regardless how far back I reset my branch to):

On branch dev-26
Your branch and 'origin/dev-26' have diverged,
and have 1053 and 295 different commits each, respectively.
  (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
nothing to commit, working directory clean

I think I might have screwed up somewhere. Can somebody help me debug/ explain what's going on and/or find an answer to discard changes I made on Friday 6/17 and just sync my local dev-26 with origin/dev-26 ?


git reset --hard origin/dev-26

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