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How can I flush new object and execute DQL in the same transaction?

Can I flush new object (insert) and execute DQL (update some tables) in the same transaction with Doctrine? Or I have to use native SQL query with explicit transaction declaration?

I want to execute something like this in a transaction

UPDATE user SET email = :email, phone = :phone, status = :status
UPDATE user_counter SET order_counter = order_counter + 1
UPDATE some_counter SET acme_counter = acme_counter + 1

Thank for your help!

Use the wrapInTransaction function of the entityManager . You can mix persist/remove with other DQL queries.

Here's an example:

this->entityManager->wrapInTransaction(function ($em) use($phoneNumber, $phoneNumberVerificationRequest){
    $this->phoneNumberVerificationRequestRepository->removeByCountryCallingCodeAndNumber($phoneNumberVerificationRequest->getCountryCallingCode(), $phoneNumberVerificationRequest->getNumber());

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