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Angular routing is not working properly

I am building a login page where a user has 2 roles ie student or librarian. When the user enters his credentials and click on submit,the validate function will be called.


The problem I am facing is :

The routing is not working ie the control reaches to the alert("login successful"); and enters into if ($scope.roles[i].role === "student") { but does not direct the page to $location.path('/home/student');

The login page url is as below :


The url after successful login is as below.


The url still has Login.html and it is not replaced by 'ViewBooks_Student.html',as per app.js.

Any help is much appreciated.



var Controllers = angular.module('Controllers', ['ngRoute']);
Controllers.controller('LoginCtrl', ['$scope','$http','$location',
function ($scope,$http,$location) {
        $http.get('data/roles.json').success(function(data) {
            $scope.roles = data;

        var count=0;
            for (var i = 0, len = $scope.roles.length; i < len; i++) {
if ($scope.username === $scope.roles[i].username && $scope.password === $scope.roles[i].password) {
                    alert("login successful");
                    count = count + 1;
                    if ($scope.roles[i].role === "student") {
                    else {


            alert("Please provide valid login credentials");
            $location.path( "/main" )



var bookApp = angular.module('bookApp',[
function($routeProvider) {
    when('/main', {
        templateUrl: 'Login',
        controller: 'LoginCtrl'
    when('/home/student', {
        templateUrl: 'ViewBooks_Student.html',
        controller: 'BookListCtrl_Student'
    when('/home/librarian', {
        templateUrl: 'ViewBooks_Librarian.html',
        controller: 'BookListCtrl_Librarian'
    when('/issue/:bookId', {
        templateUrl: 'IssueBook.html',
        controller: 'IssueBookCtrl'
    when('/return/:bookId', {
        templateUrl: 'ReturnBook.html',
        controller: 'ReturnBookCtrl'
        redirectTo: '/main'

This is kind of in depth problem . as far as i understood after login you need to redirect to a page based on the User Role. so this particular logic which you wrote on the Controller that thing you need to write into Angular Run block


basically Angular has a priority execution system run block execute before controller. for more details check Angular documentation. https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/module .

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