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Get Certain Tags Within Parent Tag Using Beautifulsoup4

I am using beautifulsoup4 with Python to scrape content from the web, with which I am attempting to extract content from specific html tags, while ignoring others.

I have the following html:

<div class="the-one-i-want">
        "random text content here and about"
        "random text content here and about"
        "random text content here and about"
    <div class="random-inserted-element-i-dont-want">
        "random text content here and about"
        "random text content here and about"

My goal is to understand how to instruct python to only get the <p> elements from within the parent <div> class="the-one-i-want"> , otherwise ignoring all the <div> 's within.

Currently, I am locating the content of the parent div by the following method:

content = soup.find('div', class_='the-one-i-want')

However, I can't seem to figure out how to further specify to only extract the <p> tags from that without error.

h = """<div class="the-one-i-want">
        "random text content here and about"
        "random text content here and about"
        "random text content here and about"
    <div class="random-inserted-element-i-dont-want">
        "random text content here and about"
        "random text content here and about"

You can just use find_all("p") after you find:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(h)


Or use a css select:

print(soup.select("div.the-one-i-want p"))

Both will give you:

[<p>\n        "random text content here and about"\n    </p>, <p>\n        "random text content here and about"\n    </p>, <p>\n        "random text content here and about"\n    </p>, <p>\n        "random text content here and about"\n    </p>, <p>\n        "random text content here and about"\n    </p>]

find_all will only find descendants of the div with the class the-one-i-want , the same applies to our select

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