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rake aborted! cannot load such file Ruby on Rails

I am trying to run a ruby file that updates the database using the rake task . But overtime I run the code, I get an error saying : rake aborted! cannot load such file -- app/services/insert_data

The ruby file 'insert_data' is located under the app directory in a folder named 'services'

Here is the rake task I created to run it:

require 'app/services/insert_data'

namespace :record_generate do

task :test do
  ruby "app/services/insert_data"


Please help in removing this error.

To be able to use Rails environment within a rake task you need to declare that:

namespace :record_generate do    
    task :test => :environment do |_, args|
       ruby "app/services/insert_data"

I think you should try placing your app/services/insert_data inside the script directory. I'm assuming that your ruby file is not a rails model with logic. I would try this.

  1. Get your file and place it in the /script/ directory.

  2. Place these line of code at the top of your file

    #! /usr/bin/env ruby

    require_relative "../config/environment"

Now on your command line you can do execute this:

rails runner name_of_your_file

That is one way of doing it. If you specifically need to use a rake task I can try posting an answer for that too.


Rake.application.rake_require "#{Rails.root}/app/services/insert_data"

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