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How can I reset data to default in Bootstrap modal using AngularJS?

How can I reset data to default in Bootstrap modal using AngularJS? This is how am I trying to do:

$scope.initial = [
      name: 'nam_fruit',
      price: 0

    $scope.reset = function(){
    $scope.dataFruit = $scope.initial;  

But it doesn't work. Fields still have old data. Check my fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/q69yckt1/

You are assigning an array as initial model. just remove [] and that should work:

$scope.initial =
  name: 'nam_fruit',
  price: 0

$scope.reset = function(){
  $scope.dataFruit = angular.copy($scope.initial);  

as devqon mentioned in his comment you should also create a copy of $scope.initial as its just a reference copy if you just use $scope.dataFruit = $scope.initial; .

This is the working fiddle.

var vm = this;
//(like a private field)
var initial_is_editable = true;
vm.initial = [{
  name: 'nam_fruit',
  price: 0
  name: 'nam_fruit',
  price: 0

function reset(reset_modal_index){
    vm.initial[reset_modal_index].name = "default_name"; 
    vm.initial[reset_modal_index].price= "default_price"; 
  vm.dataFruit[reset_modal_index] = vm.initial[reset_modal_index];

If I understand correctly: We have set of dataFruit modals and we are reseting data of chosen one to initial values.

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