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Multiple Instances of the Same Component in React-Redux

How can I have multiple instances of the same container component in React-Redux? Even if I send unique data then also each of the component gets the data of the last component only as the Store is updated using that values. eg -

<ContainerInstance1 data={data1}/>
<ContainerInstance2 data={data2}/>

Container Instance 1 will get the data from the store that is modified by Container Instance 2 while rendering. How to use so that it can get the data correctly?

It sounds like you have some issues, possibly in your reducer - most likely data1 and data2 are in fact the same object.

Make sure you are not mutating state, but instead returning a new state object from your reducers.

If the two data objects above are truely not the same data object - there is no reason why the above shouldn't work as you think it should. In other words, there isn't an issue with the code above, but rather somewhere else.

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