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How to use angular 1.5 components with ui-router states

Right now, angular ui-router project didn't have anything explicit about angular 1.5 components. My project requirement is to use nested states and I want to use angular 1.5 components to easily migrate to angular 2. I'm looking for a best boilerplate of both. Options 1,2 & 4 from the below link are supported. I want to know what is the optimal option for nested states and for migration to angular 2.

Angular 1.5 components with nested states

I just shared this solution with a buddy. Not sure if it fits your exact requirements but with UI-Router 1.0.0 you can route directly to a component. To take this a step further, with nested states, we can specify a specific component on a named view. We then link to our child state in the markup using ui-sref . When this state becomes active, so does its view's component.

If you want to make these views dynamic, say based on a user role, then you could use a templateProvider function. However, with templateProvider you can't use a component to define a view so you may have to just return the component's tag.

eg <editAdminProfileForm></editAdminProfileForm>

For more on conditional views with templateProvider see my other answer here: Angularjs ui-router : conditional nested name views

And here's some additional reading on UI-Router with components:



.state('app', {
  abstract: true,
  templateUrl: 'templates/user-profile.html',

.state('app.profile', {
  url: '/profile',
  views: {
    'profile': {
      component: 'userProfile'


.state('app.profileEdit', {
  views: {
    'editProfile': {
      component: 'editProfileForm'


  <div ui-view="profile"></div>
  <div ui-view="editProfile"></div>


yourApp.component('userProfile', { ... });

yourApp.component('editProfileForm', { ... });


<button type="button" ui-sref="app.profileEdit()">Edit Profile</button>

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