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Podio API filtering by date range

I'm trying to filter tasks by date range and I'm getting errors whatever I try. This is how my request looks like: http://api.podio.com/task?completed=true&created_on%5Bfrom%5D=2016-06-23&created_on%5Bto%5D=2016-06-28&limit=100&offset=0&sort_by=rank&sort_desc=false&space=4671314

Here I'm trying to filter by created_on and I'm suplying {from: "2016-06-23", to: "2016-06-28"} but it's always returning the same error - invalid filter . I'm trying to filter tasks that are created in the last 5 days here.

The tasks API reference can be found in their API docs .

What am I doing wrong?

Date ranges can be separated by - .

To display "all my tasks created between 1st Jan 2014 and 1st Jan 2016" :-


Podio API get task filtering by date range use below :


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