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VueJS doesn't work on mobile

I have a problem with running VueJS on mobile devices. I created a weather prediction app on copepen.io

Here is the link for the project:


HTML code:

<div class="container-fluid text-center">
      <h1>Your Local Weather</h1>
        <a @click="changeDegree">{{degree}}</a>
        {{weather | capitalize}}

      <img :src="iconURL" alt="" />
      <a href="https://ca.linkedin.com/in/dalenguyenblogger" target="_blank">by Dale Nguyen</a>
<!--   <pre>{{$data | json}}</pre> -->

JS code:

new Vue({
        el: '.container-fluid',

        data: {
          location: "",
          temperature: "",
          degree: "C",
          weather: "",
          iconURL: ""

        created: function(){

        methods: {
          getWeather: function(){
            var that = this;

            this.$http.get("http://ipinfo.io").then((response) => {
                  that.location = response.data.city + ", " + response.data.country;

                  // Get weather informaiton
                  var api = 'ebd4d312f85a230d5dc1db91e20c2ace';
                  var city = response.data.city;
                  var url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={CITY}&APPID={APIKEY}&units=metric";
                  url = url.replace("{CITY}",city);
                  url = url.replace("{APIKEY}", api); 

                  that.$http.post(url,{dataType: 'jsonp'},{
              headers : {
                'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
            }}).then((response) => {
                  that.temperature = response.data.main.temp;
                  that.weather = response.data.weather[0]['description'];
                  that.iconURL = "http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + response.data.weather[0]['icon'] + ".png";
                  }, (response) => {
                      // error callback

              }, (response) => {

          changeDegree: function() {
            if(this.degree == "C"){
              this.degree = "F";
              this.temperature = Math.round((this.temperature*9/5 + 32)*100)/100;
            }else {
              this.degree = "C";
              this.temperature = Math.round(((this.temperature - 32)*5 /9)* 100)/100;

It works well on my laptop but not on mobile. At first, I thought that it is because of Codepen. It may cause something when running through the site. However, when I created a project on my website, it also doesn't work.

Can you help to find the issue? Thanks,

Your code seems to be working well, except that on codepen it gives me error XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://ipinfo.io/. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://s.codepen.io' is therefore not allowed access. XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://ipinfo.io/. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://s.codepen.io' is therefore not allowed access. .

You can put your domain name on headers options to enable cross-origin, here is example:

this.$http.get('http://ipinfo.io', {
    'headers': {
        'Origin': 'http://yourdomain.com'

See example: http://bozue.com/weather.html

I also noticed you put vue.min.js and vue-resource.js scripts in wrong order that might trigger some error, vue.min.js should be on the first place.

I found a solution for this. I works on my mobile now. I believe that I will work on other browses too. The problem is that some browsers doesn't recognize the operation ">", so I changed it.

Here is the new code:

getWeather: function(){
            var that = this;

            this.$http.get('http://ipinfo.io', {'headers': {
        'Origin': 'http://yourdomain.com'}
            }).then(function(response) {
                  that.location = response.data.city + ", " + response.data.country;

                  // Get weather informaiton
                  var api = 'ebd4d312f85a230d5dc1db91e20c2ace';
                  var city = response.data.city;
                  var url = "https://crossorigin.me/http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={CITY}&APPID={APIKEY}&units=metric";
                  url = url.replace("{CITY}",city);
                  url = url.replace("{APIKEY}", api); 

                  that.$http.post(url,{dataType: 'jsonp'},{
              headers : {
                'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
            }}).then(function(response) {
                  that.temperature = response.data.main.temp;
                  that.weather = response.data.weather[0]['description'];
                  that.iconURL = "http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + response.data.weather[0]['icon'] + ".png";
                      // error callback


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