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Laravel 5.2 Socialite Retrieve Null Email

i'm new to Laravel and i'm trying to make a social auth. I have seen some tutorials and I've got to retrieve user id, profile pic and name from Facebook. My problem is the email, it comes null.

My current object is this:

User {#195 ▼
  +token: "EAACYY1xBrzcBAO9KZAjZAZAZBQHWhbtZAb9lIXvH9Y6miRUiABImupk3ZCzHRxy2ZBxc9DU8f1ZAcrw0NEVMmy3GOQMSSyrmDTvMPyREvGm4pA1Ok6zI85LxES4Huy2ZCsxIUr2ISbLreLIv1ZACItUUoqqAnvVPyR4s0ZD"
  +id: "989087311199546"
  +nickname: null
  +name: "MyName"
  +email: null
  +avatar: "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/mypicturecode/picture?type=normal"
  +"user": array:2 [▼
    "name" => "MyName"
    "id" => "MyId"

and my controller is:

class FacebookController extends Controller
   public function facebook()
        return Socialite::driver('facebook')
    public function callback()
        $user = Socialite::with('facebook')->user();

        return dd($user);
        // $user->token;

I recently discovered something. I have "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~4.0" in my composer to avoid the cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html ) error. When the guzzle 4.0 is installed, Laravel Socialite returns to the 2.0.4 version. Looks like the 2.0.18 version deals with the email and first_name/last_name problem. The problem is that when guzzle 4.0 is installed, it requires the socialite 2.0.4

Facebook users can register using a phone number instead of an email address. This means that facebook does not have an email address for that user.

And you might have own privacy policy.

Have a look at this : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions#reference-email

If you are using laravel 5.2 and socialite 2.0 . Then you would face this issue. It's a bug in socialite. Replace it with the code given below . Path : vendor\\laravel\\socialite\\src\\Two\\

https://github.com/laravel/socialite/blob/2.0/src/Two/FacebookProvider.php Then below code would provide you complete details return Socialite::driver('facebook')->fields([ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'gender', 'birthday' ])->scopes([ 'email', 'user_birthday' ])->redirect();

Just you need to add more permissions to whatever data you want from Facebook object about your user在此处输入图片说明 facebook api url

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