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how SignalR works in Web API

I'm working in SignalR chat project like this example

It works well however, I want to make chat hub.cs in a Web API project and call it from other client projects.

I have searched for solutions but haven't found any. How do I achieve this.

My chatHub

public class ChatHub : Hub
        dbcontext db = new dbcontext();
        ChatManager chatManager = new ChatManager();
    public static string ConnectionId = null;

    public void Send(string name, string message)
        ConnectedUsers cu = chatManager.getCurrentUserRow(Context.ConnectionId);

        if (cu != null)
            string L_ConnectionId = cu.Other_ConnectionId;

                .addNewMessageToPage(name, message);
    public override Task OnConnected()
        Console.WriteLine("Connected user: " + Context.User.Identity.Name);
        ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId;
        chatManager.AddAndRemoveUser(true, Context.ConnectionId); // to add user in connectedUser Table

        return base.OnConnected();
    public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
        chatManager.AddAndRemoveUser(false, Context.ConnectionId);
        return base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled);
    public override Task OnReconnected()
        Console.WriteLine("ReConnected user: " + Context.User.Identity.Name);
        return base.OnReconnected();
    public void NewConnection()
        int retVal = -1;
        chatManager.RemoveLeftUser(Context.ConnectionId); // to remove left user from 2 users
        chatManager.OpenRandomChat(Context.ConnectionId); // to chosse random user for me 

        // to get me and my if i have partner ..
        ConnectedUsers cu = chatManager.getCurrentUserRow(Context.ConnectionId);

        if (cu != null)
            retVal = 0;
            //string groupId = cu.ConnectionId + cu.Other_ConnectionId;
            //string R_ConnectionId = cu.ConnectionId;
            string L_ConnectionId = cu.Other_ConnectionId;

    public void SendQuestion(string question)
        ConnectedUsers cu = chatManager.getCurrentUserRow(Context.ConnectionId);
        if (cu != null)
            string L_ConnectionId = cu.Other_ConnectionId;
    public void AnswerQuestion(string answer)
        ConnectedUsers cu = chatManager.getCurrentUserRow(Context.ConnectionId);
        if (cu != null)
            string L_ConnectionId = cu.Other_ConnectionId;


I created a separate class library that I include and use in any of my other projects, works great and gives access to a single reusable Hub. I use mine for order notifications.

 namespace MyProjects.SignalR.Hubs
    public class OrdersHub : Hub

        public void OrderDeleted(int manufacturerId, int orderId)

        public Task JoinOrders(int manufacturerId)
            return Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, OrdersGroup(manufacturerId));

        private string OrdersGroup(int manufacturerId)
            return "orders" + manufacturerId;


Then in any of my other projects that use this I simply call:

var ordersHubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<OrdersHub>();
ordersHubContext.Clients.All.OrderDeleted(order.ManufacturerID, order.OrderID);

ChatManager chatManager = new ChatManager();

You can´t do that within a Hub. Hubs instances are not persistent, they are re-created on every single request, and so does your ChatManager .

To make that work, convert your ChatManager to a Lazy Singleton. The aim of using Lazy in this case is to make it thread safe (pretty neat for SignalR):

public sealed class ChatManager
    private static readonly Lazy< ChatManager > lazy =
        new Lazy< ChatManager >(() => new ChatManager());

    public static ChatManager Instance { get { return lazy.Value; } }

    private ChatManager()

    // TODO add your methods here

Then, from your hub:

ChatManager.Instance.AddAndRemoveUser(true, Context.ConnectionId);

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