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Use apex domain and subdomain for different firebase projects

对于我的个人站点,我有一个firebase项目(使用firebase托管)分配给了我的顶点域( http://exmaple.com ),还有另一个firebase项目,我想分配给相同的子域apex域( http://subdomain.example.com ),但是firebase不允许我这样做,有任何解决方法吗?

"This is currently a limitation of how custom domains work on Firebase Hosting. We're exploring ways to improve and make it possible to reuse the same apex domain across multiple sites, but we don't yet have anything concrete to announce at this time." - Michael Bleigh

You can now add multiple domains to a single Firebase Hosting site. Domains can either serve site content or redirect to another domain (editable at any time). In addition, you can now use subdomains of the same registered domain on different projects, such as example.com on one project and blog.example.com on another. Visit your hosting admin page to configure them.

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