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Remove directory names from url

I have a new Project in Lumen which needs to be deployed to the Staging server and i have done it. I am facing issues with removing the names of directories from the URL. My project Directory is like this:

DIR - ProjectName
   DIR - ProjectName {Lumen files inside this directory}
     DIR - app
     DIR - bootstrap
     DIR - database
     DIR - public
     DIR - resources
     DIR - storage
     DIR - tests
     DIR - Vendor

so currently to view my application i need to enter a url like this :


However i would like my url to be like this:


I have tried the many answers form SO but it does not work.

Use this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^Projectname/login$ /ProjectName/ProjectName/public/login [L]

It should leave you with the following URL:


Great question! Add this Apache httpd RewriteRule to the appropriate server definition inside your httpd.conf file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/(ProjectName)/((?!\1).*)  /$1/$1/public/$2

Alternatively, add this to a .htaccess file at the root of your web-server, eg, where the first ProjectName directory is located:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(ProjectName)/((?!\1).*)   $1/$1/public/$2

Alternatively, add this to a .htaccess file within the first ProjectName directory (where the second ProjectName directory is located):

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^((?!ProjectName).*)    ProjectName/public/$1

Alternatively (and this is the recommended course of action), switch to nginx , and do this:

location /ProjectName {
    rewrite ^/([^/]+)/((?!\1).*)$   /$1/$1/public/$2;

The above code ensures that the rewrite will only happen if your URLs don't already contain ProjectName/ProjectName (using the lookahead assertions of PCRE , which is the library both NGINX and Apache use for support of the regular expressions ), so, there won't be any infinite redirect loops.

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