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Getting base_url into a PHP file of symfony3 framework

I am beginner into the symfony framework and I want to get the base url of

symfony3 framework into the view file. I did R&D and get how to get the base url into twig file using this.

 {{ app.request.getSchemeAndHttpHost() }}

But my view

Not twig file it it is .php file

So I don't know how to use the base url in the view .php file.

I get the base url into the head.blade.PHP file of Laravel framework using:-

<?php echo URL::to('/'); ?>

I want to like this into symfony3 framework.

As explained on the doc : in symfony you have to create routes.

 * @Route("/", name="site_home")
public function homeAction()
    // ...

In twig, you can then call the routes like this :

{{ path('site_home') }}

You also can get the route in the controller and pass it to your view :

$homeUrl = $this->get('router')->generate('site_home');

You can get the base_url in controller and then pass it to the view file.

To get the base URL in controller,


And pass $base_url to view and access it the way you want.

Have you tried this:

$link = $this->generateUrl('routeToPrint',array(),UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);

Where 'routeToPrint' is your annotation route. It returns a URL. You also need:

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;

At the top of your file.

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