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renaming .jpg files in a folder using batch file

I have a folder that has bmp files , they may be 4 in a folder or 50 in a folder, but they are


I started a batch file with the below code:

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
SET counter=0
SET /P filename=Please enter the filename:
for %%G in (C:\Test_Folder) do (
  ren image*.bmp "%filename%""%counter%".bmp
  SET /A counter=%counter%+1;
  echo "%counter%"

but the counter does not increment, can some one give some light to my code?

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
SET counter=0
SET /P filename=Please enter the filename:
for %%G in (C:\Test_Folder\image*.bmp) do (
  ren "%%~G" "%filename%!counter!.bmp"
  SET /A counter+=1
  echo "!counter!"

using delayed expansion for the counter variable.
for processes matching files in the folder instead of the folder itself.
use ren to rename single files instead of wildcard usage.
SET /A counter+=1 instead of SET /A counter=!counter!+1 (does the same, but improved readabilty).

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