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Remove firebase hosting

I use angular2-cli and angularfire2. I wanted to add github authentication but to do so I needed to add callback URL. Okay, I did it but when I tried to log in via Github I got a message that my page hasn't been deployed.

What I did? Well, I just type firebase init firebase deploy

and since then I can't do anything on my site because of that annoying message:

Welcome to Firebase Hosting

You're seeing this because you've successfully setup Firebase Hosting. Now it's time to go build something extraordinary!


I don't want to create any hosting. I wan't to go back, remove that, so when I type again ng serve I will see my page instead of that message. How to do that?

I tried typing "firebase hosting:disable" into cmd and though I've got a message that all is OK, i still get above message about hosting".

I had the same problem with ember.js. The command firebase init adds a index.html to the public folder, which overrides the normal serving of node.js.

Fixed. Firebase init adds index.html file (didn't notice that earlier).


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