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how to declare ng-show and ng-hide in one div

In my project I had a requirement to use both ng-show and ng-hide in one div . I felt that's a bad practice.

html code:

<div ng-hide="itemDIv2" ng-show="itemDIv2"> 
   <input type="text" placeholder="Item Name" ng-model="itemname"> 
       <input type="submit" class="btn" value="Save" ng-click="subcatiems()>

another div:

<div><button  class='btn' ng-click="catitems2()">Add items to Category</button></div>


$scope.catitems2 = function(){
     return $scope.itemDIv2 = true; 

how to take a condition that initially it is on hide and when the button is clicked i want to make ng-show="itemDIv2" to true so that I can show the div one more tome.

You don't need both ng-show and ng-hide on same div to acheive this functionality. You can toggle the scope variable $scope.itemDIv2 on button click.

<div class="settings-heading " style="background-color: #f2f2f2;"  
  ng-show="itemDIv2" ng-init='itemDIv2=true'> 
  Demo text

   <button  class='btn' ng-click="itemDIv2 = !itemDIv2" >
     Add items to Category

Working JSBin: https://jsbin.com/vaduwan/2/edit?html,js,console,output

To expand on on @vp_arth's comment, you don't need both. But you're on the right track with the boolean flag.

I would suggest making these changes:

Add this object to the controller scope:

$scope.ui = { showDiv: false };

And in the template, change the button to:

button ng-click="ui.showDiv = !ui.showDiv" /

And instead of both ng-show and ng-hide, use:


This way you don't need a catitems2() function, and the div or what you want to show starts off hidden.

Here's a working JSFiddle of the changes:


Both ngShow and ngHide just add/remove NG_HIDE_CLASS class to element.

Try read the sources to understand that: ngShowHide

Use one boolean scope variable and set it to neccesary value with one of that directives.

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