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How to update dataGrid in WPF from another window without using MVVM?

I read this link to find the answer of my question. but i want to know, Is there a way that we don't have to use MVVM. At first, Let me ask my question!! I have a DataGrid control on a window called MainWindow . From MainWindow i open another window called NewWindow . in NewWindow i have some textbox and a button. In the NewWindow someone can enter information about a customer and then these information are saved into a database, so i use the following code in follow of button in NewWindow .

var Que = (from P in FaceDB.tblUsers where P.UserId == mytxtbox1.Text.ToString() select P).SingleOrDefault();

                Que.Pass = mytxtbox2.Text.ToString();

After i save these information i want to update the DataGrid in the MainWindow. i try with following codes but none of them didn't work:

Que.Pass = mytxtbox2.Text.ToString();
MainPage MPWin = new MainPage();





One can directly set the data in code for the DataGrid using its ItemsSource , here is a modification of your example:

Que.Pass = mytxtbox2.Text.ToString();

MainPage MPWin = new MainPage();

MPWin.mydatagridt.ItemsSource = Que.ToList();

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