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sending a database/Realm using Multipeer Connectivity

I have an admin and a user app. Basically, I will build the database(realm) using Admin app then send the whole database to the user app.

Here is the path to my database:

let directory: NSURL =  NSFileManager.defaultManager().containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier("group.example.file")!

let fileURL = directory.URLByAppendingPathComponent("test.realm")

//What should I do to the path so I can send it via MultiPeerConnectivity : MCSession

try session.sendData("my Realm File To Send", toPeers: session.connectedPeers, withMode: .Reliable)

I'd recommend to write a compacted copy of your Realm file via writeCopyToURL(fileURL: _, encryptionKey: _) . Read more about Realm's file size growth behavior to understand why that is a good idea.

You can then simply read the file contents via NSData(contentsOfURL: _) .

let parentURL = fileURL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent!
let compactedFileURL = parentURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("compact.realm")
try! realm.writeCopyToURL(compactedFileURL)
let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: compactedFileURL)!

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