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how to use external js library with Aura?

I've added

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../js/Chart.bundle.js"></script>  

in aura:application file, file is downloaded by browser (can see that thru console) but when i try to create Chart object in afterRender function in Renderer

var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { .....

I've got an error:

Something has gone wrong. afterRender threw an error in 'markup://helloWorld:helloWorld' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://c:ltGraph' [ ReferenceError: Chart is not defined ]] Failing descriptor: {markup://helloWorld:helloWorld} Error at new ( http://localhost:8080/auraFW/javascript/lG7eYFZ_MXfCccXumk95LQ/aura_dev.js:3152:23 ) at http://localhost:8080/auraFW/javascript/lG7eYFZ_MXfCccXumk95LQ/aura_dev.js:1:1 . Please try again.

How to use external libraries in Aura ?

I've found the problem. My code wanted to use library before it was loaded. I have to put some checks in my js code (renderer)

var timesToCheck = 10;
var poll = function () {
    setTimeout(function () {
        if (typeof Chart !== 'undefined') {

            // now you can use Chart (or other) library.....

        } else if (timesToCheck > 0) {
        } else {
            console.log('giving up')
    }, 100);

(code taken from https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=906F0000000Amaz )

But still, i have a problem with loading 2 dependent libraries (like jQuery and Flot). Quite often there is an error that jQuery is undefined during a Flot initialization.....

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