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Creating pivot table using vba - run time error

I am trying to create a pivot table using vba. Following is the code that i tried:

Sub CreatePivot()

    Dim objTable As PivotTable
    Dim objField As PivotField
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = Worksheets.Add
    Sheets(ws.Name).Name = "Write-Off Pivot"

    ' Select the sheet and first cell of the table that contains the data.
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("GEP Write-Offs Rawdata").Select

    Set objTable = ws.PivotTableWizard

    ' Specify row and column fields.
    Set objField = objTable.PivotFields("MPG")
    objField.Orientation = xlRowField

    ' Specify a data field with its summary
    ' function and format.
    Set objField = objTable.PivotFields("'A_780610 - Inventory - Obsolescence")
    objField.Orientation = xlDataField
    objField.Function = xlSum
    objField.NumberFormat = "$ #,##0"

End Sub

I am getting this error message. "Run-time error '104'" "method 'pivottables' of object '_worksheet' failed"

The problem seems to be in this line but not able to figure what's causing it.

Set objTable = ws.PivotTableWizard

Your following line needs change.

Set objTable = ws.PivotTableWizard   

This should point to data source sheet. So it should be.

Set objTable = Sheets("GEP Write-Offs Rawdata").PivotTableWizard   

It will make the pivot table and write in a new added sheet since your command

Set ws = Worksheets.Add
    Sheets(ws.Name).Name = "Write-Off Pivot"

is not linked to it.May please modify it suitably.

This is in addition to what @Rory suggested.

You need to use Use ActiveSheet.Pivottablewizard rather than ws.PivotTableWizard since there isn't any data on the ws sheet.

Incidentally, this is unnecessarily convoluted:

Sheets(ws.Name).Name = "Write-Off Pivot"

All you need is:

ws.Name = "Write-Off Pivot"

The methods PivotTableWizard needs some parameters:

Like this:

 Set objTable = ws.PivotTableWizard(xlDatabase, ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Table8").Range("A1:A5"), ws.Range("A1:A6"))

There are a lot of parameters, for your example i needed the datasource type, the datasource and the datadestination.

You see all parameters if you just open the "(" after es.PivotTableWizard or you can get them here:


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