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nodejs executing external function from script

I installed nodejs and jsdom on my linux server.

I am trying to do something that should be simple but I cannot find any easy tutorials online for this.

I am simply trying to run a the function "randomtest()" from an external .js file ( http://yourjavascript.com/64473118216/nodejstest.js )

var jsdom = require("jsdom");
var test = require("./libs/nodejstest.js");

    html: "<div></div>",
    done : function (error, window) {

It produces following error: 在此处输入图片说明

I have also tried loading it via the "scripts" tag for jsdom like this to no avail:

scripts : [" http://yourjavascript.com/64473118216/nodejstest.js "],

Try this

var jsdom = require("jsdom");

    html: "<div></div>",
    scripts: ["./libs/nodejstest.js"],
    done : function (error, window) {

There are a couple issues with what you tried:

  1. Loading your nodejstest.js through Node's require does not work make the randomtest function available because nodejstest.js does not export anything. It would have to export randomtest with something like exports.randomtest = randomtest .

  2. You said using scripts : ["http://yourjavascript.com/64473118216/nodejstest.js"], in the configuration does not work, but in fact it does. You do not see the output on the console because the window that JSDOM creates is essentially a new JavaScript virtual environment, and it has its own console separate from Node's console . You have to create a bridge between the two, like this:

     var jsdom = require("jsdom"); var vc = jsdom.createVirtualConsole(); vc.on("log", function () { console.log.apply(console.log, arguments); }); vc.on("jsdomError", function (er) { throw er; }); jsdom.env({ html: "<div></div>", scripts : ["http://yourjavascript.com/64473118216/nodejstest.js"], virtualConsole: vc, done : function (error, window) { window.randomtest(); } }); 

    With this, the output will show on your console.

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