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How to call SOAP API through SOAP client in PHP

I am getting successfully response of the SOAP API by the some tools like SoapUI. I am working on the deltek API.

Following is the code format which i am using in SoapUI

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:del="http://tempuri.org/Deltek.Vision.WebServiceAPI.Server/DeltekVisionOpenAPIWebService">
<databaseDescription>Example_Test (TEST_001)</databaseDescription>
</VisionConnInfo>]]> </del:ConnInfoXML>


But when i am calling the API through the SOAP client in php. I am getting this error :

stdClass Object
    [GetSchemaResult] => ErrLoginValInvalid login. Please change the username or password and try again.Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: sGetSchema.validateVisionLogin.VisionWSUtil.ValidateVisionLogin

Following is my PHPcode :

$apiURL = 'http://example.com/Vision/VisionWS.asmx?wsdl';
$client = new SoapClient($apiURL, array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1));

$conninfo = array(
           'ConnInfoXML' => array(
             'VisionConnInfo' => array(
               "databaseDescription"  => 'Example_Test (TEST_001)',
               "userName" => "test", 
               "userPassword" => 'test123',
               "integratedSecurity" => "Y"   

$userinfo  = array('InfoCenter' => 'User');

try {

    $result = $client->GetSchema($conninfo, $userinfo);
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {

echo '<pre>';

Please suggest? where am I in making mistake?

If you look carefully on the request, you can see that the element del:ConnInfoXML contains a string.

To make it work, you have to set the ConnInfoXML as string too:

'ConnInfoXML' => '<VisionConnInfo>...</VisionConnInfo>';

When creating the string programmatically, be sure to escape the values, so the resulting XML is valid.

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