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Custom autocomplete function in jquery


With the help and suggestions taken from the @Ziv Weissman and @Fribu I re-wrote the whole autocomplete function.

If anybody needs it he/she can download from here .

Thanks StackOverFlow community.

I am creating a jquery autocomplete function. The function that I created is working fine with single text box. But as soon as I am implementing it on another text box in same page it is behaving unexpectedly. It opens and closes the autocomplete list.

here is my code for autofill.js:

function setUl(result) {
    var $ul = $('<ul>');
    if (result !== undefined) {
        $.each(result, function (k, v) {
            $ul.append('<li data-value="' + v.value + '">' + v.label + '</li>');
    return $ul;
$.fn.autofill = function (options) {
    if (options == undefined) {
        options = {};
    var $currentInput = $(this);
    var autoCompleteData = $currentInput.data('autofill');
    var listId='autofill-' + (new Date().getTime()).toString(16);
    $currentInput.on('keyup focus', function (e) {

        var query = $(this).val();
        var result = $.grep(autoCompleteData, function (v) {
            return v.label.search(new RegExp(query, 'i')) !== -1;
        $ul = setUl(result, $currentInput);
        $ul.attr('id', listId);
        var position = $currentInput.position();
            width: $currentInput.width() + parseInt($currentInput.css('padding-left'), 10) + parseInt($currentInput.css('padding-right'), 10),
            position: 'absolute',
            top: position.top + $currentInput.outerHeight(),
            left: position.left
        if ($ul.find('li').length >= 6) {
                height: '130px',
                'overflow-y': 'scroll'
        if (result !== undefined) {
            if ($(e.target).attr('id') !== $currentInput.attr('id') && $($(e.target).parent()[0]).attr('id') !== listId) {
        $currentInput.trigger('onChange', [query, result]);
    $(document).on('click', '.autofill-show li', function (e) {
        if($ul!==undefined && $($(this).parent()[0]).attr('id')==$ul.attr('id')){
            $ul.trigger('onSelect', [$(this).text(), $(this).data('value')]);
    $(document).on('onSelect', '#'+listId,function (e, label, value) {
        if ($.isFunction(options.onSelect)) {
            options.onSelect(label, value);
        if ($(e.target).attr('id') !== $currentInput.attr('id') && $($(e.target).parent()[0]).attr('id') !== listId) {
    $(document).on('onChange', '#'+$currentInput.attr('id'), function (e, query, result) {
        if($ul!==undefined && $($(this).parent()[0]).attr('id')==$ul.attr('id')) {
            result = $.grep(autoCompleteData, function (v) {
                return v.label.search(new RegExp('\^' + query + '\$', "gi")) !== -1;
            if ($.isFunction(options.onChange)) {
                options.onChange(query, result[0]);
    $(document).on('click', function (e) {
        if ($(e.target).attr('id') !== $currentInput.attr('id') && $($(e.target).parent()[0]).attr('id') !== listId) {
function destroy($ul) {

Here is my css:

    list-style: outside none none;
    padding: 0;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    z-index: 9999999;
.autofill-show li{
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    text-align: center;
    background: #fff;

.autofill-show li:hover{
    background: #9bcea3;
    cursor: pointer;

And this is how I am calling my function:


Here is the fiddle link. https://jsfiddle.net/saineshmamgain/cs6g13q9/2/

As I mentioned, and others helped, this is a problem with your events and selectors.

One solution can be adding unique ID to the UL created, not "datetime based". Each time you will destory a specific ID, and recreate it. The events will be triggers via HTML (added onclick=...) and dealth with current/parent level with jQUERY.

I've updated this fiddle

It might have things that are leftovers from your fiddle which I don't have time to perfect... I'll leave it to you.

The solution looks something like this:

function setUl(result) {
    var $ul = $('<ul>');
    if (result !== undefined) {
        $.each(result, function (k, v) {
            $ul.append('<li data-value="' + v.value + '" onclick="clickHandle(this)">' + v.label + '</li>');
    return $ul;

function clickHandle(ele){
var label = $(ele).text();
var value = $(ele).data('value');
var inputId = $(ele).parent("ul").attr("data-target");
        if ($.isFunction(options.onSelect)) {
            options.onSelect(label, value);

$.fn.autofill = function (options) {
    if (options == undefined) {
        options = {};
    var $currentInput = $(this);
    var autoCompleteData = $currentInput.data('autofill');
    var listId='autofill_' + $currentInput.attr('id');
    $currentInput.on('keyup focus', function (e) {

        var query = $(this).val();
        var result = $.grep(autoCompleteData, function (v) {
            return v.label.search(new RegExp(query, 'i')) !== -1;
        $ul = setUl(result, $currentInput);
        var position = $currentInput.position();
            width: $currentInput.width() + parseInt($currentInput.css('padding-left'), 10) + parseInt($currentInput.css('padding-right'), 10),
            position: 'absolute',
            top: position.top + $currentInput.outerHeight(),
            left: position.left
        if ($ul.find('li').length >= 6) {
                height: '130px',
                'overflow-y': 'scroll'
        if (result !== undefined) {
        $currentInput.trigger('onChange', [query, result]);
    //end key up 

    $('#'+listId).on('onSelect',function (e, label, value) {
        if ($.isFunction(options.onSelect)) {
            options.onSelect(label, value);
    $(document).on('onChange', '#'+$currentInput.attr('id'), function (e, query, result) {
        if($ul!==undefined && $($(this).parent()[0]).attr('id')==$ul.attr('id')) {
            result = $.grep(autoCompleteData, function (v) {
                return v.label.search(new RegExp('\^' + query + '\$', "gi")) !== -1;
            if ($.isFunction(options.onChange)) {
                options.onChange(query, result[0]);
    $currentInput.on('blur', function (e) {
        }, 100);
function destroy($ul) {

if i understand correctly your quation(code):



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