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Ionic - $state.go works on livereload but not on device

I am experiencing a weird issue with the following. On livereload or on browser, state.go function works properly as expected. However when I run the app on device (without livereload), the app do not apply the transition to the new state.

This is how I call the function:

<ion-nav-buttons side="right"><a class="button button-clear navButtons" ng-click="setSelectedForEdit(selectedChannel)">DÜZENLE</a></ion-nav-buttons> 

And this is the controller:

.controller('ChannelCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $state, firebaseDataService) {

  $scope.setSelectedForEdit = function(channelUniqueID) {     
    $state.go('app.channel-edit', {'channelId':channelUniqueID});  

And my route the following:

.state('app.channel-edit', {
        url: '/channels/:channelId/edit',
        views: {
            'menuContent': {
                templateUrl: 'templates/ChannelEdit.html',
                controller: 'ChannelEditCtrl'
        cache: false

Anybody have experienced the same before?

I had the same problem. The file of one of my controllers started with uppercase, I changed it to lowercase and this solved my issue.

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