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How set swift 3 UITextField border color?

Hello i have working no error codes for UITextfield border color change but when using it in Swift 3 dont change textfield border color and dont gives error. I need your help my codes under below.

@IBOutlet weak var email: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var pass: UITextField!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let myColor : UIColor = UIColor.white()
    email.layer.borderColor = myColor.cgColor
    pass.layer.borderColor = myColor.cgColor


Thank you !

You also need to set border width , because your border color is set already but your default border width is 0.0 so you can't see it.

So, set border width something like,

  email.layer.borderWidth = 1.0

Update :

Your code should be like,

 @IBOutlet weak var email: UITextField!
 @IBOutlet weak var pass: UITextField!

 override func viewDidLoad() {

   let myColor = UIColor.white
   email.layer.borderColor = myColor.cgColor
   pass.layer.borderColor = myColor.cgColor

   email.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
   pass.layer.borderWidth = 1.0


Use the below code in swift 3 :

in view did load

 outer_line.layer.borderWidth = 1
 outer_line.layer.borderColor = UIColor.lightGray.cgColor

Try to use this, It might be helpful to you

let myColor : UIColor = UIColor( red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue:0, alpha: 1.0 )
myTextField.layer.masksToBounds = true
myTextField.layer.borderColor = myColor.CGColor
myTextField.layer.borderWidth = 2.0

I think you should first provide a borderWidth

@IBOutlet weak var email: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var pass: UITextField!

override func viewDidLoad() {

let myColor : UIColor = UIColor.white()
email.layer.borderWidth = 1
email.layer.borderColor = myColor.cgColor
pass.layer.borderColor = myColor.cgColor


and then set a color :)

Updated Swift 3 :

if you want to set the bottom border to UITextField, used below lines of code :

// function defination :

func setBottomBorderToTextFields()  {

    let bottomLine = CALayer()
    bottomLine.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: yourTextFieldName.frame.height - 1, width: yourTextFieldName.frame.width, height: 1)
    bottomLine.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray.cgColor // background color
    yourTextFieldName.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.none // border style

// In ViewDidLoad() :


You need to set the borderWidth from the UITextField 's layer property.

Like: email.layer.borderWidth = 1 .

Also, if you frequently need to set borders to your views, you can make an extension like this:

extension UIView {
    func addBorderAndColor(color: UIColor, width: CGFloat, corner_radius: CGFloat = 0, clipsToBounds: Bool = false) {
        self.layer.borderWidth = width
        self.layer.borderColor = color.cgColor
        self.layer.cornerRadius = corner_radius
        self.clipsToBounds = clipsToBounds

Call this like: email.addBorderAndColor(color: UIColor.white, width: 0.5, corner_radius: 5, clipsToBounds: true)

Since this method sets the borderWidth , it will also solve your problem.

It is working.

  1. give border width
  2. and after give bgcolor.
txtemail.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
txtemail.layer.borderColor = UIColor.blue.cgColor

It definitely works

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