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When do I have to wait for a promise in Protractor?

I know there is similar questions on here about this, but I cannot make sense of them for the life of me.

Here's an example, where I need to click a button and check the url.

My initial thought is I would write it as


I know the expect handles its promise but what about the .click? Shouldn't I have to write it like this?

element(by.id('button')).click().then(() => {

Or is protractor/webdriver auto-magically doing this?

In theory, since Protractor maintains a queue of promises via Control Flow and works in sync with an AngularJS application under test, you should not resolve promises explicitly unless you need a real value for further processing. In other words, this should be the prefferred form:


In practice though, explicitly resolving click() promises, or adding explicit waits via browser.wait() helps to deal with occasional and random timing issues .


The first section talks about how the control flow is used to manage promises without having to chain together every single command.

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