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putting html inside an iframe (using javascript)

Can I create an empty iframe as a placeholder to later insert html into it?

In otherwords, suppose I have an empty iframe with an id,

How do I insert html in it?

I'm using jquery, if that makes it easier.

You can do it without jQuery also:

var iframe = document.getElementById('iframeID');
iframe = iframe.contentWindow || ( iframe.contentDocument.document || iframe.contentDocument);

iframe.document.write('Hello World!');

jQuery's html strips body, html and head tags from the inserted HTML.

View the source of this page: http://mg.to/test/dynaframe.html It appears to do exactly what you want to do.

$(function() {
    var $frame = $('<iframe style="width:200px; height:100px;">');
    $('body').html( $frame );
    setTimeout( function() {
        var doc = $frame[0].contentWindow.document;
        var $body = $('body',doc);
    }, 1 );

No it's not. You would modify the script like this:

$(function() {
    var $frame = $('iframe');
    setTimeout( function() {
            var doc = $frame[0].contentWindow.document;
            var $body = $('body',doc);
    }, 1 );
iframeElementContainer =   document.getElementById('BOX_IFRAME').contentDocument;

Yes I know that is possible but the main problem is that we cannot handle a frame from outside it i has already loaded some other thing.

$(function() {
        var $frame = $('<iframe style="width:200px; height:100px;">');
        $('body').html( $frame );
        setTimeout( function() {
                var doc = $frame[0].contentWindow.document;
                var $body = $('body',doc);
        }, 1 );

but if we start as

<iframe src="http:/www.hamrobrt.com">
<---Your Script to put as you like--->

Then its impossible to hit that out.

I have same problem, Where I have to show html code snippet in iframe dynamically from database without SRC attribute of iframe and I fixed same problem with following code

I hope this would help someone who has same requirement I had.

jsfiddle example here


<iframe src="" frameborder="0" class="iframe"></iframe>
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" class="iframe"></iframe>
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" class="iframe"></iframe>
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" class="iframe"></iframe>


var doc,$body;
var txt = Array(
            '<style>body{background-color:grey} h1{background-color:red;font-weight:900}</style><h1>Cool!!! this is text for</h1><p>First Iframe</p>',
            '<style>body{background-color:pink}h1{background-color:green;font-weight:200}</style><h1>Cool This is Text for</h1><p> second Iframe',
            '<style>body{background-color:yellow}h1{font-weight:400}</style><h1>Cool..... This is text FOR : </h1> <div>3rd Iframe</div>',
            '<style>body{background-color:blue} h1{font-weight:400}</style><h1>Cool This is text for Fourth iframe</h1>'
    doc = $('iframe')[index].contentWindow.document;
        $body = $('body',doc);

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